Missing files right when opening the VideoHive template for the first time

I see threads for missing files on here a lot but that is just a simple fix from moving the structuring of the files.

When I buy any template from Video Hive and open it for the first time I get three windows that pop up.

“This project must be converted from version 10.5(Windows 64). The original file will be unchanged”

“After Effects Warning: 51 files are missing since you last saved this project.” I am opening it for the first time, I have yet to save is anywhere besides my desktop.

“After Effects warning: File Fury Road(CS5.5.aep is locked. You can’t save any changes to this file.”

I am still new to this but I should at least be able to open the file right after buying it.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @NateJeep22

I suggest you contact the author of the template if you have problem with the project. If you want i can check the project for you.

Feel free to contact me via my profile page.


I figured out my issue with it, turns out I wasn’t unzipping the file after
downloading it. I know rookie mistake.