missing files after effects

I downloaded 2 hockey files and when I open them both say that there are files missing.

tried contacting one of the authors twice and no response.

what to do ?

hockey night broadcast package says when opening ( 80 files missing )
Ultimate Hockey - Broadcast Package while opening indicates ( 111 files missing )

it can happen because of some problems while downloading so you can try to download these projects one more time.
Or it can happen because you replaced .aep file from it’s original directory (where all assets are placed) before opening it.
Hope it helps.

Hi. First of all you have to locate where the “assets” folder of the project is. It has to be inside the “project folder”. Once you know that, from after effects project window you need to replace the missing files using the files inside this “assets” folder. Usually, when you replace first file, the rest are replaced automatically by After Effects if all the rest of the assets are in the same folder, any other way do it manually and it will work too.