Market Plugin API issue

Hi guys, I am just a website owner, not a developer, who purchased one of the themes from your store (Curated Theme).

I uploaded the new Envato Market tool, but it requires the API and for some reason, I cannot get access to that. I have gone through the authentication, all seems good, but when I go to and click on ‘API’ I get the following message:

Could not load signed in user profile: The API returned an error (403 - )

How can I overcome this issue?



You can generate Envato API personal token here . It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account mean have to login in using your Envato market login credentials.

Response codes

  • 403 means the personal token is incorrect or does not have the required permission(s).

Please checked the following permission:

  1. View the user’s items’ sales history
  2. Verify purchases of the user’s items
  3. Verify purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.


Thank you very much for the quick reply, I went to check my status with theme forest and it states my account as locked for some reason. I have issued a ticket to see what the issue might be.

Thing is, I don’t even know if I need this Plugin LOL. What does it do? Helps with updates withing the theme?


as you have opened support ticket, please get in touch with them. Support team will assist you.


Could not load signed in the user profile: The API returned an error (403 - )

I am facing this error please tell me a solution of this error how can i solve this

Hi @jamfree2

Please check this solution to the same issue you’re having, described here: Errorcode 403 returned by Envato during theme update