Lost my payoneer card in the ATM, what now?


I lost my card in the ATM when I was trying to cash out the money, because it says I have tried many PIN numbers. I’ve contacted the brunch of that ATM machine, and they told me we destruct it and you have to contact your bank.

I wanted to withdraw the money to my bank but payoneer website requires me to enter the card number and CVV. and I don’t have them.

So how to get my card info to withdraw the money to the bank. Also,How to get a new card?


Hi there!

Could you submit a support ticket to the Envato Help Desk so therefore they can assist you further on this situation, please? The link is https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Good luck and I hope your issues are resolved as quickly as possible :slight_smile:

Envato can’t help with this, only Payoneer support can: https://payoneer.custhelp.com/app/Contact_us

I contact payoneer, they will send me a new card. Thanks everyone for help :slight_smile: