Logo Rejected any help

Hello, can any one tell me why Envato team reject my Logo?

What I can say … It doesn’t look like logotype of some ‘premium’/‘good’ company.

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It’s quite basic. I don’t think the curves on the ends of your K look very good, but if you get rid of them then I guess it’s just a K with a bit missing. The preview image and mockups need a bit of work as well, could have chosen better colour combinations.

Although I can see the appeal in a letter-based logo, and there are plenty about, you are alienating the other 25 letters in the alphabet. That’s not really quality related, but just my opinion when it comes to usability.

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hi , basically, u don’t have much of an originality on this one, in addition , i think that u are very little chance to ever go through with a logo using a very basic typo. Unless u put more effort in typos and typo combinations, this is unlikely that u manage to have your item(s) approved indeed

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