Just wondering. I have purchased a file from Envato. The web forms I am trying to use are not working and I tried to contact the builder, waiku, on their website. The site prompts the user to register using the envato Item license code. I submitted the license code through their web form (insert irony here)…I received an aggressive email in return stating that the license code was fraudulent. Is this normal for this developer? I tried to resubmit the license and guess what…they have banned my email address…and my IP address from being able to submit permission to join their forums and ask for help. So, I am turning to this community blog to see if this is something that happens alot with licenses for products sold on this site?
It’s hard to say anything. You should contact Envato support for help but it may take few days to get a proper respond.
You have no buyer badge on this account…
You would not be able to access license codes on an account with no purchase.
Are you sure you are using the right account?
You definitely purchased this from one of the main marketplaces like CodeCanyon or Themeforest and not envato elements?
If it’s Elements, then there is no support or purchase codes provided for downloads from there so not sure where you would find purchase codes for items from there