I have an issue with an author that i purchased on canyon code. Support has been very difficult in regards to the product i purchased. The author has blocked me from his github page for support when I changed the title of a ticket to “Close, near non existent support.” The replies I do end up getting don’t resolve the errors I get. It ends up becoming exponential following the video or docs provided as a reply to resolving issues. Now the author is trying to remove my comments on the item page. I took screenshots of every issue and created a document of the replies, the time it took for replies on support tickets etc… What I don’t understand is why the author just doesn’t provide solutions to the errors from following their instructions on docs and vids they have as resource points for the product.
Have you contacted the Envato support?
Yes before, but after they blocked me on github, I don’t think they want to help with errors. They did reply on the rating review, I think because they can’t get it deleted like the comments on their item page I purchased. I don’t understand why they said spam, because the emails i sent were all related to errors I get in to from using their docs and youtube videos. Also the ! mark after the “Good luck with your sale!” was directed to express a certain connotation. So I don’t think it would be wise to contact the Author at this point. Only thing I can do is send an email to Github and Envato regarding the experience. I don’t know if others have experienced similar experiences as I have from this author, but hope that no one does after purchasing from the author.
Author response
Hi there, we are proud of what we have done on the project and supporting, your request is marked as spam from our system due to sending a bunch of spamming emails (+80 emails within 20 days).
Secondly, for your extra request is clear not include from our support scope. If you are not happy with the product, kindly process a refund to save your time!
Good luck with your sale!
Actually not true about all emails being about errors. I did email them that i would pay for their time to help with the issues i’m having.
If you’re experiencing 80+ emails in 20 days, don’t get me wrong but this may not be related to the item support instead it sounds like you’re requesting personal modifications/requests.
I asked if you contacted Envato support, not author. If you think that the extension is not working, you can request a refund from the author first then if it’s rejected, you can contact Envato support.
If you’re looking for support for customization/modification, I can provide paid support. You can contact me and provide the job details, if you’re interested in.