Please help me in this, Is there any source where i can get free images for my wordpress theme? Maybe envato elements or somewhere else. Please help me to figure out this problem.
Please help me in this, Is there any source where i can get free images for my wordpress theme? Maybe envato elements or somewhere else. Please help me to figure out this problem.
There are several websites like unsplash or pixabay For demo purposes but remember you can’t include these in the enlist version
Hello. What is enlist version? Can’t i use unsplash images for demo import?
No - only placeholders for imports unless you are building a template kit when it needs to be a licensed copy of the original image in the demo
Can you explain me how to use stock images for demo import? Is enough including image sources into downloadable file?
It depends what you are creating. Assuming it’s for WordPress:
A Theme can use images from sites like unspalsh, envato elements Twenty 20 etc. OR from sites like Shutterstock assuming that you have the correct commercial license. These need to be removed and substituted with placeholders in the download version regardless of where they re from or what license they have.
If it is one of the new template Kits then you can use images from sites like unspalsh, envato elements Twenty 20 BUT these must be included in the download version AND any image of a person or place MUST come from envato elements or twenty 20.
But many themes are using stock images in demo import, although they don’t have new template kit. How envato approved this themes?
It depends when they were released - currently reviewers are asking for all images to be substituted with place holders.
It’s up to you and you may get it through but if not then you are just delaying your item being released and it’s always easier just to include a list of links to images in the documentation
Is that allowed? And enough?
I would have thought so (when using placeholders also) but I am not an author.
We see lots of people getting rejected and feeding back here that they’ve been told to add placeholders and remove the images, so an additional list can’t hurt
Ok thank you for all. I will ask to Envato for exact information.