Introducing a new-look Envato!

It’s the recently sale of Avada, in the past (2015-2017) I dont remember clearly, there is a time they sold more than 10k per week (not sure, maybe I’m wrong) but they made more than 4k sales per week many times. If you have worked here at that period time, you will notice this

My team has worked here for most of 10 years. But the business went down and we have been stopped, then sold the accounts. We still have some good themes, but in this situation, we’d like to pending all and wait until we see the opportunity for new items. Although I dont have any products at this moment in the Marketplace, but I always follow and stay active here


What exactly do you want them to do with new items? At this time it doesnt matter if item is new or old, simply nothing sells overall. I dont know why you bring sorting system as the main issue of the market. There are clearly many more reasons why sales on market stopped.
I dont see how market can be revived, the present and future is Elements with the subscription model whenever we like it or not and i doubt that we can go in the past.

No, they don’t. In the last two months, their sale went down to 75%.
You can check the sales at

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The main reason is not Element but the sorting as I told many times. When the new items can have a good start, it’s worth to invest and the authors will focus to create more new items, when the market has the quality new items, the Marketplace will have the new trend and updated continuously, buyers will have more choice and will come back to get more. If new items can help authors alive, they will not submit to Element because with Element, they only have several cents for 1 download. That’s why new items are very important even in any industry. If you are a creator, to create a good theme, it will take you several months, even years. If you know it can not successful with the current Marketplace, is there any reason to continue? That’s why we are holding all of our new items to wait.


And one more thing I want to say. Imagine you are a buyer, come to a store, you always see the best sell items in front of the store. There are no new items there. They are hidden somewhere and you have to find. There are not many people willing to do that. The store with only the old items day by day, year by year. Each time you come, you still see those items. There is not any new here. And one day, you leave because you see there is not any interested thing here. You see any store in the world will show out “today we have many new things, trending things to show customers…” But at Envato, we see “welcome, today is like the other days…” As the result, the store was closed or sold. Why Envato dont dare to focus the overal author community instead only some popular authors? If the popular authors leave, then we have a lot of other talented authors who are willing to replace them. The value of the Marketplace should be its community, not be the small group authors. As much as authors join, the Marketplace becomes stronger. Today, it’s belong to the small gourp popular authors and this should be changed.


What if YouTube made such tests? Probably they would also see that showing the most played videos on the front page gains more views overall. But pretty quickly, people would get bored. That is why all social media platforms mix fresh new, trending, and most popular content in one feed instead of prioritizing just one group of content on the front page.

That is what happened to Envato. There is nothing encouraging the making of unique, creative items. You can’t add “creative,” “unique” tags and hope that someone finds it. Authors see the popular page, want the same amount of income, and create copies of the same item over and over again. And pretty quickly, we have a market full of the same duplicated stuff. Now buyers enter the front page, see popular items, then try to find something new (because they already purchased the popular item), but they couldn’t find anything, because new items, trending items, and items in the search are all almost identical in style, mood, effects, etc. So the buyer leaves the Market without purchasing anything. He/She doesn’t need to buy a copy of the item they already own.

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I am not against the idea to bring the category sorting system by new items or even show them on front page so that they would be more visible.
I just dont think that it will globally change anything because there too many other reasons why things are bad on the market during this period of time.

There are so much more competition inside the market and outside as well.
More authors and less buyers and many authors put small prices on their items. There is also competition between Wordpress and other CMS or web builders like WIX where you can easily create a website with a few clicks. Also AI soon will simplify creating websites too. If you look at Avada, their earnings decrease despite being on popular page. (and looks like they invest in marketing)

I am a video template author and it is clear to me that Adobe After Effects templates lost its value and there is nothing we can do about it. And before that stock footage’s lost its value and same happened with graphics assets. Quantity nowadays beat quality and thats why subscription model was built and not only by Envato (thats a general trend). Same things happen right now to Wordpress category and coding stuff but just slower than video templates and other categories but the end will be the same.

Considering client who came to Envato to buy some wordpress template most likely have enough IQ and education to find new items page and swap filters how they want to right? There is option to do so manually if client really looking for new items which is not always the case and perhaps some clients prefer highly rated and trusted items with good reviews? (I dont have data on this one)

I am not saying that it didnt play the role in decreasing sales, however i just dont think it is correct to blame everything on the sorting system changes.

It doesn`t matter anymore even if you will create a “unique” project and they will put in on a front page for a month, you still wont make much money simply because the value of after effects templates became low and clients will just go to Elements or similar subscription markets.


Everything goes in comparison. The presence of a new item on the front page is better for earnings compared to its absence. This would make both libraries (Market and Elements) more diverse, which will result in more income in the long term.

Currently, authors are more interested in copying bestsellers because they see how much they earn. There are no such statistics on Elements, so authors only look at Market. However, for example, my best-earning items are not those with the most sales on Market. On one hand, it’s good for me that I can keep my secrets, and there is no army of authors ready to copy those items. On the other hand, no one sees the actual trend and only looks at the most popular items on Market, which get popular just because they were popular before, and not because clients over the years want to buy the same items again and again.

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Yes , you made the test in short term, but in long term, you see Envato has been sold while the old method bring you to the Top of the World. And until now, you still think you did the right thing? Let’s tell the truth this is your idea or your manager’s idea?


To see how much Avada was making you can check this URL -


Amazing. Helpful resource.

I absolutely dislike the new-look Envato Elements. Please let me know how I can revert to the previous one.


I really like the new-look Envato Elements … for me this is really amazing …


New look is much better. Can you place on Elements a prominent banner leading to Envato market? Imagine someone looking for quality item that not available on elements but available on the Market. He won’t find it and will close the site. You will lose a client.


Never :)) the thing was born to kill the others, why it has to feed them?

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After introducing the new Elements UI, our market sales completely stopped. Thank you, Envato!


For those who still think Envato will change its stance on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon here is the hard truth for you. Try to imagine that you’ve been working on a new shiny product for many years, you put lots of budget in marketing and ads and it’s making you more money. You now have multiple sources of income and the new product brings you more customers and more recurring revenue. Would you still prioritize your old products? Or maybe cut your budget and simply maintain it as it’s mostly passive now.

Let’s be honest, TF, CC and other markets haven’t changed much since 2017. Elements is the “new market” now. Creator’s economy is estimated at $200 billion now and is expected to grow to $528.39 billion by 2030, so Envato’s focus will be Elements from now on.


I told it 2 year ago, it’s not a surprise :slight_smile: