I uploaded my first PSD template and get hard rejection. I need your help. What are the problems with my template and design?
Here are some of theme files
This is the message i get
“Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Innovate Logistics - Business PSD Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:
Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.
Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.
Remember you can get help, in the form of tutorials or skilled professionals, on Envato Tuts+ and Envato Studio.
We hope to see a new submission from you soon!”
@unlockdesign, @Enabled, @charlie4282 сould you possibly give me some advice about my design.
What is definitely bad? Why I get hard rejection?
Is it problem with idea \ selected topic, or with selected typography, color palette and so on?
I have see your item 1st home page.
Starting is nice = http://prntscr.com/ngqsmm
here is most of white space http://prntscr.com/ngqtg7 oversize icon box! it can’t create aesthetics design. other section area are looking good
Missing some of section or content area.Its looking compressed design like a WP theme! That may be not acceptable to PSD platform.
I think 3 page is not enough for this category item design and more content are missing in that reason may be rejected this design.
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Thx for answer! I very appreciate this
What sections or content areas are missing? Can you give some examples please?
I uploaded a 18 pages. You can saw all of them here https://invis.io/NZPZ9ITBF7Y#/347650437_01_Home_page_ver_01, scroll left or right.
Is it not enough for this category?
I think they expecting more uniqueness in your item design.
some of issue are need to improve also like spacing & alignment typographic hierarchy.
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@unlockdesign Thx, I will try to improve this areas
@Enabled, @charlie4282, could you possibly give me some more advice about my design?