Icons rejection in Graphic River

My item was rejected, here is the email envato send it to me. I don’t know what is wrong with it.

After completing our review, we’ve determined that ‘Education icon
pack’ isn’t at the quality standard needed to continue forward with the
review process on GraphicRiver. As the submission is too far off the
standards we require, you’ll be unable to re-submit on this occasion.

If you need some help meeting our submission requirements, be sure to take advantage of Envato Tuts+ tutorials, ask for feedback from your helpful community, and check out our support article.

We’d love for you to continue honing your craft and look forward to what you can come up with next time.


Envato Market Team

You need to post example of the rejected item here, and other users might look at it, and maybe offer some advice on how to improve.

#GDragoNif you want i will upload a Snapshot of my Item…

Here is the snapshot of my icons pack…

The resolution is upto 8020 x 7050… Dont know why they rejected… And they havent mention any reason…

I think that icons look very decent, and I am not sure what is the exact reason they are rejected. It is not very often I see education oriented icons, so this also makes them rather unique. I would like to see what other authors think, but if I was the reviewer, I would approve this set.

If their is any author or reviewer please suggest to me. Kindly Help me please…

My icons got rejected too. Link Icons rejected? Please review.