I was locked out of my account without any explanation after paying for a theme

It appears Envato is trying to scam me with no explanation why my account was locked out


Sorry to hear you’re having troubles with your account. Please Get in touch with Envato Market Support ASAP via this link

In the ‘Tell us more’ dropdown select:
‘My account is locked’

Also you should check this help articles:


The same thing happens to me. I asked for the reason, and they say they could not provide a reason for that.

the same happen to me and they no matter what I do and try this is the response I got.
I try to contact like @mgscoder said, and this is the response.
Elaine here from Customer Success, thanks for reaching out.
Regrettably, we won’t be re-enabling your account.
All the best.
they don’t give any explanation