I uploaded the item to GraphicRiver, item rejected As usual

I uploaded the item to GraphicRiver, item rejected, I don’t know what is the problem?
and the reason for reject, (unfortunately, we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward)

here the flyer image

i want to know why it rejects

thanks for your time

hi the graphic part is cool, the problem is that u ruin it all with all the text part indeed …, there are too many mistakes about the positioning of the texts about proportion and hierarchy , not to mention that corona is the most valued elements in terms of size but is the one which is the less contrasting with the background and let me remind u that contrast is a basic design principle , in other words, this is not a small deal … otherwise the kind of glow that u made around the virus looks artificial as not around all the virus but only as a circle. U have a misbalance between the central axis and the sideways (especially the mid and lower section of the flyer) which is a bit a bit hurting the global harmony, i also think that taking out the grunge frame would be welcome and would take your item to the next level, especially if u manage to fix the issues that i mentioned above. Stay home is not matching with the rest of the flyer and footer and u did not manage to imbricate it enough with “be safe …”

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Relay thanks for you reply that help me

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u are welcome :slight_smile: