I got Hard Rejected for Understood reason

This is My item Link.

The reviews Message was :

Your item doesn’t have a full demo setup and/or the demo URL it’s broken. Unfortunately this is seen as Queue Position Reservation and it won’t be tolerated because this creates review delays. Please resubmit your item once you feel is ready.

  • Please contact Envato Help for further assistance.

Is this related to the URL ( demo ) as it is mention above
What Should I do ? And why I get this

Thanks In Advance

It means that either you have not included a working demo link or it is broken

This is a prerequisite for submission so you need to make sure there is one and that it is working

First, thanks for replaying,

Second,Actually I don’t think so, Because I got some soft rejected before the Hard one.
So the reviewers should tested my item by the same link .

But if It was the reason,Should I upload the item ( same files ) again with the working link ?

Unfortunately only the reviewer who saw the issue would be able to give detailed info

I would submit it but I don’t sell items here so am not 100% what, if any complications doing this could create

Okay Thanks a lot

Another thing can you please check if my item need improvements, may be a reason of this reject ?

I connected with the support and I told them then They approved the theme :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Check the item :

All though my demo is working fine.

( https://weblizar.com/demo/html/wheelify/index.html )

Same happened with my html template .

Can I resubmit my item again?


Connect with the support and they will review your item again … Same happen with me :slight_smile:

Tried that also No response from 5D.

My Ticket : #

Can any one here and look into my Item and help me.

My support ticket which has not responded : 1353828 since 10D.

Please help and guide me.


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Hi @weblizar:

Weekend not work on envato support, your patience.


No Help from forum. I was expecting much from here. My support ticket which has not responded : 1353828