please feedback thank you.
You can try but most likely it will be rejected.
please explain because will to be hard rejected? If you don’t want explain me than please not feedback here, thank you so much.
Looks like freebie rather than premium item.
hi Jeri , do you really think that the global composition looks credible? I mean, all the items seems to be pasted right next to each other instead of being composed with one another, at this stage. Titles are piled on each on each other and clearly are not outstanding as such and turn to be hard to read , by the way , because of the used font and the fact that both part are superposing indeed (not to mention the layer style that does not help …). Everything in the background is super dysfunctional and look as unreal as unreal may get … the beach seems to be placed in day time while sky and palm trees seem to be in night one. Moreover, models are oversaturated , so that this adds even more confusion to this very “supernatural” environment that u have created… Look palm trees are in the front and they are dark, u do not feel that this is not looking logical? The spacing is really bad as it possibly could be , u really have to think about re-organizing texts to arrange this. The date is nowhere near from being visible and popping out as anyone would like it to be , for this is important a piece of information. I have never seen a beach sand being this very even … nobody “can buy this”, people would not believe this is sand. u have real problems when it comes to hierarchy , what I started to evoke with the date , but look u have “music by” being far more outstanding than the dj name which is in yellow color on top of sort of another yellow color shade , the direct consequence is a real lack of contrast (basic design principle) … obviously, both dodging and burning are completely missing and the models look disconnected from the scenery. The Z lay out implies that u place all the information differently depending on sense and importance and that the most important part are preferably positioned in focus areas … there are lots of shadows missing. The typo is not matching well to say the least. and unlike what u mentioned there is simply nothing unique here, the same style with basically the same mistakes right now. u have a lot or work ahead so this can be accepted , nowadays …
sorry, n2n44 why you don’t reply my email my last send your?