Hub & Header Launching Tomorrow!

Hi folks,

As mentioned in the October video update, we’ve been working on two closely related projects which are going to ship tomorrow!

A new header design

The new header aims to increase navigation between the sites (especially for new visitors) by ensuring all eight sites are always visible and easily discoverable.

Our buyers often work on projects that require items from more than one of the eight marketplaces. There’s currently three main ways that we link between the sites:

  1. the tiny little triangle site switcher near the logo in the header
  2. the in-depth list of sites in the little leaf tab on the left side of the page
  3. the list of eight sites in the footer

We looked at the analytics and found that while existing signed-in members frequently use the site switcher and the footer to navigate between the marketplaces, only a tiny number of new visitors use them (and they were more likely to use the footer links, which are more visible).

The new design is a test to see if this kind of structure increases cross-site navigation and discovery (especially for new visitors). We’ll keep an eye on the metrics and iterate the design over time.

We’ve been using variations of the new header internally for a few weeks, and we’ll be turning it on for all users tomorrow. Here’s a screenshot.

You’ve also probably noticed the eight logos have had a bit of a typography update to bring them closer to the Envato branding, and that we’ve added a new Envato Marketplaces logo in the top left corner. Which brings me to the second project…

A new hub website is new site that aims to bring the eight separate marketplace sites a little closer together. It’s a pretty simple landing page, mostly targeted at new buyers, that introduces the eight sites and some of the key categories within each of them.

We’re also showcasing a small number of hand-selected items and featuring an author and a buyer from the community, encouraging them to start browsing, searching or to sign-up for an account.

A central site like this paves the way for important features like cross-site search and provides us with a space to evaluate new design directions (such as the bigger thumbnail images we’re using) in isolation. It also provides a new opportunity for exposure of authors and items.

Right now, it’s a static page to test the message and the design direction. We’ll be keeping an eye on usage and putting a content plan in place for periodically updating the featured items, authors and buyers.

Here’s desktop and mobile screenshots.


Holy crowded header Batman!

Imagine this with a banner ad on the top of this 3 part header now… those on smaller screens will see nothing but badges and banners - yikes!

Looking much better. Thanks for the update!

This is awesome :slight_smile:

Looks like we are confusing ourselves with branding/reach and usability. I would say one thing; please allow/encourage buyers to concentrate more deeply on what they intended to purchase - instead of showing how broad we are and our categories. Now we have one more element to divert from searching deeply. Search option sits like unnecessary formality.

Anyway that’s launching tomorrow so there is no use in complaining. Just wanted to know how long it will take to implement more deeper search filters? Isn’t that most essential?

Great :slight_smile: like it!

I agree with Jonathan about it being too crowded.

< don’t ike it.

Far too busy. But at least gives you a chance to test analytics.

+1 yeah it is way to crowded


Bad organization. Too much logos…

New header is a real mess for those who spend more time on the one marketplace.
I understand that this changes are made to attract buyers, but it too crowded as it mentioned before.
I prefer a little triangle site switcher near the logo (that can be made more attractive).

The new header looks like a murder scene of marketplace logos. It may bring the 8 marketplaces closer, but the usability and aesthetics are gone. You have great UX designers selling their products here and you clearly don’t have one at Envato… so I don’t know, hire one of them ?

ive got activeden set as my homepage. im on it everyday… so the new change should not go live … until they fix the preview issue

I think it’s obvious to everyone involved that the header is crowded. It might be better to post constructive ideas/solutions rather than stating the obvious :slight_smile:

freshface said

I think it’s obvious to everyone involved that the header is crowded. It might be better to post constructive ideas/solutions rather than stating the obvious :slight_smile:

The obvious solution is previous one! May be with little bigger triangle button. Looks it the original intention is not exactly cross marketplace promotion but promoting the brand name “Envato”. That’s ok but doing that shouldn’t affect the individual marketplace category names.

VF said
freshface said

I think it’s obvious to everyone involved that the header is crowded. It might be better to post constructive ideas/solutions rather than stating the obvious :slight_smile:

The obvious solution is previous one! May be with little bigger triangle button. Looks it the original intention is not exactly cross marketplace promotion but promoting the brand name “Envato”.

I like the previous solution as well (as a frequent and familiar user), but Justin already pointed out a valid reason for a change:

justinfrench said

We looked at the analytics and found that while existing signed-in members frequently use the site switcher and the footer to navigate between the marketplaces, only a tiny number of new visitors use them (and they were more likely to use the footer links, which are more visible).

Too much … as specially when I’m an author. Why should I see those logos all the time?

freshface said

I like the previous solution as well (as a frequent and familiar user), but Justin already pointed out a valid reason for a change:

justinfrench said

We looked at the analytics and found that while existing signed-in members frequently use the site switcher and the footer to navigate between the marketplaces, only a tiny number of new visitors use them (and they were more likely to use the footer links, which are more visible).

That’s a valid reason from the (narrow) point of view of cross marketplace navigation / interests. But should we make that at the cost of ditching the priority order? I mean, when a new buyer reaches to particular marketplace, they should’t get diverted into another one due to top navigation (before checking sub categories) - if the same happens due to footer, that’s actually great (proves atleast buyer’s priority).

I see Envato always tries to solution for overall growth but fails to connect buyers to their deep needs/items.

This will surely add to more confusion.