How to see if my item on videohive is reviewed?

I uploaded yesterday my first stock video and on the right side it said that my item is waiting to be reviewed…
So i loged in today and i cant find the video or the notification that my item is pending for a review,have they rejected the item without notifing me?

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It’s normal. You have to wait about 6 days for now. You will notify on email

I got same problem, some of my videos rejected or I dont understand somehow i cant see them at my portfolio. is there anyway that I can see why they rejected or any info at all? thnx

If you have had no feedback and it is no longer in your queue then it is hard rejeced.

If you didn’t receive the Item review notification email (you should to check spam/junk as well), then check your email settings (Settings => Email Settings) in Envato market Dashboard Settings, is there a check mark for Item review notifications.

Sometimes email can go in spam, so need to check inbox, spam, junk as well.


i uploaded an AE template. 5 days later it was still saying pending review… then i went to check it again recently and its just gone. i didnt receive an acceptance or rejection. my upload disappeared. why???

i posted my item to videohive, not envato (even though its kind of the same company) and I cannot find the settings anywhere. I searched envato market dashboard on the internet and that didnt take me there. then i went to videohive → dashboard and I still don’t see settings. can you help me find this page?

If it’s not in your profile then it’s been rejected - see post above about notification settings and check your spam