Hi Friends, Some Buyers Asking again again license "Regular and Extended License"

I referred to this link "https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard " but There are confused. Please explain anyone.

One Buyer Question below:
If I have a pay membership service I can buy the regular license for use on my website as a dashboard for my subscribed members? I ask because, the documentation on Envato is not very clear for me.


the main difference is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve licensed) is distributed for free, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold. Extended License is still limited to a single end product.

If the item is part of a product (end product) for sale, you need the Extended License.

Example: A game or t-shirt for sale

If the end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended License.

Example: A website that requires money before you can access the content


Hi mgscoder,

So Above Buyer Answer : Required to “Regular License or Extended License”

Still I am also Confused.
I have also Same Question.
Example: I want to purchase classifieds html or WordPress theme. After purchase i want to use for subscription based collected money from my customers. So i need to buy “Regular License or Extended License” ?

If need to pay to see the end product(your buyer full website or part of website), your buyer need an Extended License. If full website (end product) is distributed for free Regular License is enough. Thanks

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Thank you for your comment, it was really helpful. Just to clarify - if a visitor to a website can view and use all of the website for free then a regular license is ok. If they have to pay to view all or certain parts of the site then it needs to be extended licnense…what is the situation when a buyer of a theme is doing something like building a classified ads website and the whole site is able to be viewed for free and used for free, no one has to pay to put up a listing(all listings are free to put up) but if they wanted to get special perks ie a featured ad banner on their particular advert listing or even pay a monthly subscription to get their ad always placed at the top or something similar, would that be regular or extended since they do not have to pay to use the site, they can still see all the site but they are technically paying though only through their own choice for a bonus extra which can still be seen by free members also? I am confused because been told by two different theme developers two different things and I just want to be sure as don’t want to be in breach of any license rules and regulations. Would really appreciate anyone’s input on this particular situation as tried to chat with envato team and it just takes me to a ton of articles with no way to chat to anyone regarding this.


I think regular license license will be fine for you but I recommend for license questions, it’s best to open Help ticket at Envato Help and Support. They are the license experts and will be happy to help.


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Thank you so much for your speedy reply, it was really kind of you to take time out of your day to help me:-) I finally found a way to send a request to envato and get a ticket like you mentioned so I am just awaiting their response. I shall post their verdict here in case it helps others reading through the threads trying to find the same answers:-) Have a great week and thanks once again

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You should put more examples for what qualifies for extended or standard - as you lose so many potential buyers -as the communication or documentation is not clear.