What is the difference between Regular License and Extended License ?

What is the difference between Regular License and Extended License ?

Hi @narsuk,

the main difference is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve licensed) is distributed for free, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold. Extended License is still limited to a single end product.

If the end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended License.

Example: A website that requires money before you can access the content



thank you so much

So if I’m buying lets say learndash template to create a website to sell courses, I need extended license?

If the end users need to pay to see your website content (full or part of the website), you need an Extended License. Otherwise if your website content is fully accessible to all regular license should be fine.

No, in your case you need the regular license. Selling a course and selling a template are two distinct things.

You did not buy a course and placed it behind a paywall for sale. You purchased a template to build your course selling website. Only regular license is required here.

To make it simple, in case of templates, consider this scenario:
You are building a blogging website where people can buy a plan and start their own blogs. You then purchase a bunch of templates for blogs and place these behind a paywall. You then charge customers to skin their blogs using one of these templates. This use case requires an extended license.

Thanks for the answer!