Hey Envato, where's the consistency?

Hello everyone!

I’ve got a problem. In the last one year almost all my logos get hard rejected. One by one; one after another. I used to upload ai (CS) and eps (10)with the info file. Horizontal and vertical alignment for light and dark background. After the rejection I uploaded a few over here: [link removed] *please check them out to see if there’s any problem with them, because I’m very curious about what’s the issue. Maybe the text? the logo name? the simplicity? the colors? what are the major problems?

I can’t see any consistency in their rejection-approval method. I get 1 to 10 approval ratio (or maybe worst) I don’t know what’s the difference between the approved and rejected ones. Sometimes they approve simple logos sometimes more complicated ones. I can’t see what are those glorious “standards” stands for. It seems like the elite authors can upload everything they want, no matter what junk it is.

*as my links were removed by the admins here’s an example logo rejected logo

Can someone help me with some useful answers?


Glad to know staff are here to remove your links but not to answer your question :raised_hands:

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They don’t care about giving answers. There’s no point to ask on the forum if there’s such a censorship…