Help me to judge my tracks. Thank u!!!

Hi, forum! Help me please to understand if these tracks are ok for jungle.
I’ve written 5 tracks at the moment and haven’t yet uploaded them. Mb you can provid some critics and give me some advices. I had a lot of rejects in the past and decided to ask for help to make my music more relevant. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  1. RockPreview
  2. EpicPreview
  3. Corporate1Preview
    4) Corporate2Preview
  4. CinematicPreview

hey man ! here’s some quick feedback !
1: really cool ! (i hope its not so low volume the finilized on)
2: you need really better brass and percussion structure
3: nice corporate
4: a better corporate (some delay issues here)
5:also need better brass and percussion !

Try cinebrass and action strikes !
overall nice work !

Hey there @andrik746 :slightly_smiling:
First of all tracks didnt mastered, but overall vibe of some them on a good starting point. So what we have:

  1. Nice idea, but need development;
  2. Sorry, but this ain’t epic and I don’t know what it is, sound is very wild… uhmm… great my right eye is twitching… just joking;:expressionless:
  3. Try decreasing delay on guitar, sounds ain’t right, but starting from 1:00 minute it is very great sounding track with nice melody;
  4. Interesting intro and overall idea;
  5. Tottally agree with @AmazAudio;
    @AmazAudio your new logo is better than previous, it’s just cool.
    P.S. Don’t beat me, it’s just only my small opinion.

what he said! :smiley:
thanx man ! i think i’ll keep the logo !

Thanks sounds very helpful and reflects some of my own thoughts/
1st track was mastered, It was a mistake with a master channel volume

thank you for comments. I’lll try to work on your and wolf ideas >__<

Hey, good people, if you still have usefull thoughts on how to improve these tracks It would make me really happy and probably safe me from another hard reject tour. Pls, your help is very important and high vallued!!!