Hi everyone,
I bought the theme forest and it was written that I would receive an email.
I see that I receive the debit on Paypal and an email. Yesterday, Monday, I opened the email where it was indicated to confirm the email to complete the purchase but when I press it I get a 404 error !!
And the funny thing is that by logging on to the site I was put the product in the cart and it is indicated to repay the product !! Crazy!! Who else has had these problems?
Among other things, I sent an email yesterday but nobody answered me!
Please go to Downloads page (Assuming you are loggedin in envato market). In that page you will see a notification like this:
to confirm your purchase you will need to confirm your email. if you didn’t receive th email click to rsend and you will get another email for making confirmation your email.
in email you will get link for confirmation and you have to click on that link/url.
i’m having the same problem i clicked the resend button but still no response
Hi @ahmedalaghbari ,
Please open Help ticket and let them know. Envato Customer support team will be happy to assist you.