Hello everybody. I am new on this site and generally new in audiostocks.
Maybe I am one of many that have rejected and I want to ask your opinion about my items. I want to improve my skills but now I cant understand what i should to do with the items. Thank you for your reply.
Hi @VRP-Sounds! The main your problem - this is a little experience. Listening to top authors tracks and try to repeat them sound.
About tracks:
- Absolutely not a commercial style. Also the quality and arrangement standard is bad. This track style won’t sucessful on AJ. Bad work. Sorry, man.
- Sound very weak, simple and poor. Piano very MIDI and mechanical, no liveliness. I think, this track would be great a new romantic track in category, if you rework this track. Maybe try to delete drums, then add violins together with liveliness piano and i guess, this is will be great.
Once again:Listening to top authors tracks and try to repeat them sound. In that way you will gain experience in building composing, sound quality and understand where you to move on
In any case, don’t despair mate.
Good luck
Thank you for your reply very much!
Don’t apologize I understand you and will do my best to create good quality compositions.
Your reply has a big value for me, cause I want to have progress in making good music
Thank you again!
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