Has envato review process become a hoax ? And what do authors do about it ?

your site is running because of author like us maybe we don’t have established yet but we can be the most successful in the future but no one can say that and another one who are already established like @SkatDesign @pixelsharmony but if they find issues then there should be some things

If reviewers are hand-picked and trained then why you need to assign new reviewer? If they don’t have their items there they can’t understand the pain of authors :slight_smile:

if you can’t give detailed reviews then you should close this store because you are not supporting your authors even apple gives the detailed review of app with screenshot if there is anything though you are not bigger than apple.

I can understand you guys are flooded with worst items submitted by newbie authors but still, there are many authors who have potential and they have rejected by inexperienced reviewer without any help. Due to this issue many authors also left the themeforest and also lost customers.

Just by looking in Envato sites we see approved items which are a million miles from the standard and quality for that who is responsible? You are earning money due to authors and if you don’t help then you won’t be able to grow. In forum, more than 10 “established authors” find no issues to theme and your reviewer finds issue with it then there is something wrong :blush:

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