Hard rejection

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “TwentyCount Counter Addon For Wp Bakery Page Builder” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

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Demo link: http://plugin.creativedigital.tech/

I see that you are struggling with this rejects, I had on hard reject and 10 soft rejects on my frist theme acora photography wordpress theme so I know how it feels believe me, very frustrating…

Envato standars are very high and this is a good thing, from what I see your code is good, your main issue is desing, you need help from a designer that understands themeforest and codecanyon standards, just ask for help on the forum, I found a good designer that helped me with my theme, without it it would have been impossible for me to get it approved.

All the best and good luck.

The execution is not great e.g. typography is a bit bland

You need to demonstrate alternative options e.g. different fonts, different types of counter e.g. count down, up, coming soon etc.

Right now there is no real premium value to it