Hard Rejection for Club/Party Flyer items. Please, someone help me?

Hello everyone! I already have many items in the market. I wanted to submit club/party flyers. I’ve uploaded a few items but it keeps getting rejected:

“Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Summer Party Flyer” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”

I can’t understand why it was rejected even though it’s as good as many designs on the market.

An example design:

Someone help me please?

Been done a thousand times before

Easy to find similar for free online

Take out the stock elements and there’s very little left

Hi charlie4282! Thanks for your comment. No stock elements in this design. Model image not included in the main files. I did not receive any mail about the similarity. I’m looking at the newly uploaded club/party flyer template on the market and many of them are similar. I can’t understand my mistake. Am I making a technical mistake?

That’s the point - when you take out the elements as you correctly suggest here then all that is left is some basic text elements.

We see many of this style of flyer in these forums having been rejected every week and they are all over places like freepik and other free access sites.

To compete using this style an item needs to bring something new and unique

As a graphic designer, I could say that I can achieve this one in less than 5 min. What @charlie4282 is trying to say is the same thing, you don’t buy the things you could do it by yourself.


I think you are right. sometimes I want to make a minimal design but it will be basic.

I will keep trying for more unique concepts.

Thank you all :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it’s be possible with “flyers” as it requires more complex structures but good luck!

For me it looks amateur-ish, you can do better by getting into details with each objects in your design. Also this design is too common, maybe that’s the reason it keeps getting rejected. Do not just COPY others’ ideas, BE ORIGINAL.