i am sorry buddy , pls do not tae this personally as i identify that u certainly tried to do your best about this work, but the organization is such a mess , this is ethereal … have u ever heard about z-shape reading process?! the eye is sweeping across the document from top left to top right, then goes down in a slanted way till bottom left and end up in the bottom right area, all this with a focus point in the center of the canvas … once u know that i assume that i can identify what is the problem with this item, the way things are placed, the readability of it and so and so forth … beside why are there two versions in the previews? this looks strange and no matter what this is not any better , no matter what we are considering. does it seem logical to u also to have part of the main title being in the sideway vertically and the other part horizontal in the other side, all this when bth part are not using the same font in addition?! how can people connect that this is block with the combo of all this? By the way u have a rea work to do when it comes to typo indeed, most of the pairings are not working this is in particular very difficult to identify why such a font for “cub name” this bring u into trouble to imbricate elements, this is disconnected from the style of the rest and so on. There is still much to do for the shadowing as well. The placement of the date is not good and as such the date is not outstanding , there are texts being positioned too close from top and bottom margin and ike this , this is choking indeed. Also try to avoid colors which are definitely not selling to say the least , like the green and the pink, for instance
@n2n44 I am trying to understand all of the things about design.
I have another question.
a few days ago I submit my first item on Envato. I got SOFT REJECTED.
They tell me some changes to my description. then I changed my design description. but 20 days almost past they don’t respond to me. what should I do now?
hey buddy , really?! this is quite surprising, soft rejections / resubmissions, go way faster … did u make sure that u changed the description, saved it in the section, then re-uploaded the files and pressed “submit” in the bottom of the page?
I did it all please check this link : https://graphicriver.net/item/summer-night-flyer/27584938
lol i do not have access to your account to check this lol