Hard rejected, would like your feedback

Can anyone tell me why this template was rejected. Is it the structure or the color.
Thank you!

You have allot of issues with this one:

  • Fonts doesn’t pair very well. Fonts spacing and alignments
  • Icons style is outdated
  • General alignments is off (use a grid for this)
  • Coca Cola and O’neill logos (do not use well known logos)
  • Use real text instead of lorem ipsum (looks more real)
  • You don’t have an overall concept and looks unfinished.
  • Picture’s effects are inconsistent.

hi , your typo is way too basic and is lacking either combinations and originality. Titles are not outstanding enough and there is an impact on the hierarchy of information. Icons are too basic and look like photoshop presets. Some rectangles are not aligned with pictures so that your item does not look professional enough. Colors combinations are not the best choice , u should opt for complementary colors indeed

Your template has kinda weird dimension for UI design. it’s 700px, is it for tablets or… ? If it was intended for desktops than it should be 1200, 1366, 1440, or 1920 pixels. This is a fundamental issue which should be solved first. Everything else – typography, spacing looks imbalanced on that width.

Thanks for the reply,
I will try to fix all the issues you mentioned.

About the Picture’s effects, could you point me in the right direction.

Thank you

Thanks for the reply,
I will work on the other issues,
About not aligned rectangles with the pictures, I was try something new(will not do that again).

Thank you for reply,
This 700px is for an email newsletter.
I will work on other issues.

LOL the problem is that the thing u tried will make them feel u dropped the ball. Think about it , creativity is good as long as this is useful for the final result, hat it brings your game to the next level and not the other way around …

For overall consistent look and feel it’s recommended to alter all the images in the same way. Also for an email template there are too many images.

OK, Thanks for reply. Will keep that in mind.

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OK, Thanks for reply. Will keep that in mind, when working with the images.