Hi, there is a misunderstanding, my post was a reply to GoForMotion, he had rejections using E3D etc.
Only the last line was directed at your work. As I said, I like the creativity but the execution was not good enough in my eyes.
The comparison to the other item doesn’t really fit, as it is a totally different item than yours. It is a bit static in my opinion, but it has more detail and overall feels better executed than your work, hence it being approved.
Calling out other people’s items is not allowed by the Community Guidelines so I’d suggest you to stay away from that, before a moderator is giving you a warning. I know you have no disrespect against the author, it still is a bad experience if one’s item is used as a “bad example” and we try to stay away from that.
There is not much more people can tell you here I’m afraid. Your item is missing flow and does not give me the feeling of being well timed and also does not look thought through completely in many places. It does remind me more of random animation created by a computer than a piece crafted by an animator that has a real plan.
Just take the beginning, the focus is totally random, what line shall be in focus, I don’t know, half of the time the focus point is in between two lines, then it travels to the front, then to the back.
In my eyes you are still lacking experience in creating these abstract art pieces so the only tip I can give you is study similar works and understand how they are better executed than yours, and develop a feeling of what looks like deliberate animation and what looks like an accident.
You are free to not agree with reviewers decision, but in the end you have to accept it.
You are also free to not agree with the opinion of authors criticizing your work here, but although I understand the frustration that comes with a hard rejection (I had them as well!), this makes it hard for me to really want to post in your thread because if you only want to discuss with us about how your work is good enough in your eyes, there is no sense in giving you honest feedback.
You asked for our opinion, you got it. I’m sorry that it is a rather negative one. Take a step back from this project for a month, do something different and come back to it with fresh eyes and I’m sure one day you will agree that this is not a well executed piece of animation.