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Thank you for taking the time to submit your item. Unfortunately this item does not meet our quality requirements and cannot be accepted at this time.
We receive a lot of slideshow animations, and therefore we’re very strict when reviewing these kinds of projects. Because there is so much competition in this genre, we only accept projects that we feel provide exceptional design quality and execution. Unfortunately, this project does not offer much new, nor provide an outstanding visual quality that would over-perform those projects we already have.
can someone help me to improve this?
How are you Mrunner .

The project is awesome in all its aspect but the cause of rejection is the big amount of similar projects in the market as there are a lot of similar slideshows in the market at the moment. So, you need to make some new ideas and design in such category.
My tip :- Don’t make something similar to the items in the market, you need to make something unique and different from others
Good luck
I agree with @HardEdgeie. That´s the reason for rejection, not quality of your project.
Good Luck next time! 
i think it’s pretty good. it just the videos clips in it looks rather “in-the-20’s old”
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