[Hard Reject] First Theme - Your feedback will be highly apreciated

Hello guys,

We’re trying to understand why we got hard rejected. Our reviewer after 9 waiting days just said the generic …(see below). That’s a bit frustrating …but anyway let’s try to understand. Any advice/critic it’s more then welcome.

The overall quality of your submission does not meet our aesthetic and technical requirements and will need to be improved before being resubmitted. Unfortunately we’re not able to provide more specific feedback for your submission at this time.

Demo link here: http://demo.zoutula.com/?theme=kiddie

Thank you,

I really like what I see.
However the theme especially in need of general improvements - distances, spacing, text size, menu. Personally, my opinion that the theme would deserve a soft rejected, and get hard because you could use a copyrighted image, is my guess.

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Thanks a lot for your time and notes @Lesya . We’ll go again and review the typography for all the site and probably the menu will be a little bit changed to be more distinctive. All the images were bought from photodune with the right licence…most probably I have to mention this to reviewer I haven’t done that. Do you mention all the images used to reviewer?
Thanks Zoutula.

@ Envato Community…any other thoughts? Thanks!

I’m no expert so…

Great effort but typography is your weakness, some pages I can hardly read like this :

Also footer, shouldn’t you improve it !!

Hover stat in links (Archive links) too bright

Recent Posts, give it some space to breathe looks horrible when responsive

validator.w3.org is showing some errors maybe you should take a look at it

Again I’m no expert, but typography in my opinion is awful good luck to you it’s good design

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Thanks mate! For sure will go through all the theme for typography mistakes. Thanks a lot for your feedback!

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Any typography expert around? I really need to identify any other typography issues…just give it 1 minute and have a look. I know that themeforest community is always helpful. We’re too attached to design and most probably we can’t see all the issues. Thanks

The problems are multiple.
The first issue is the typography . Read this articles, which I’ve posted on the forum in this week.

The second problem is the width layout content. Perhaps yours is 980px; Now because displays high resolution it’s recommended to use over 1280px content layout;
You also have large design problems (colors, demo images - stay away from stock images, logo demo, search bar/button ).
Also add more functions/features . Watch the top products on ThemeForest and you’ll understand.
Good Luck !


Thanks a lot for your feedback. I’ll go through your links regarding typography and hope to find a solution to fix current issues. What do you mean with “stay away from stock images/ logo demo” …it’s not so clear. Once again thanks for your time.

Read this : http://www.google.ro/design/spec/style/imagery.html#imagery-best-practices
I talked about it on forums, click on my profile and look at my posts.
I recommend this websites for images :
http://unstock.envato.com ( just 5$ image )
http://deathtothestockphoto.com ( free some images and all aprox. 1000 images for just 15$ / month )
https://unsplash.com ( free images )
You cand find more links in my posts .

About logo is blurred, because it is not optimized for retina screen . I recommend this for retina optimization : http://imulus.github.io/retinajs/ .

Thanks again! Valuable feedback and resources! For sure will help me and others too…

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