HAAWK for 3rd party keeps copywright claiming music I have licenses to.

I totally agree as it happens to me all the time by Hawk taking my work away by claiming it and I have to prove it’s mine. I purchased the music, own the rights and YouTube just give it to them every time without question then I have to prove it’s mine repeatedly and this is So unfair. For three months I lost moneysization and a lot of personal revenue because of Hawk 3rd Party and it hurts and that money has not been returned after it was cleared. Considering I am white listed it still happens for a time while I dispute it and causing delays in my production and sharing. My videos take me a week to produce with many Man hours of sweat on the field and home with substantial personal expense but with one click it’s all GONE. Shame on Hawk 3rd party and a note of disappointment that YouTube don’t have a better work practice of for example making them prove first that it’s theirs in the first place, it’s very tiering. Regards Neil…

This is how Youtube works. When you use copyrighted material on Youtube, you have to have a license for it. You buy licenses for music precisely so that you can clear copyright claims.

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Four years on, HAAWK is still pumping out frivolous claims. In all 80 videos I have uploaded, I get a content claim each time I use the same music, and I have to repeat the same dispute claim over and over again to get the video cleared.
Would it not be more straightforward for HAAWK to retain the information on their systems to stop this? For me, it is pure harassment, nothing more and nothing less.

That’s how Youtube works. When you use copyrighted material you get a copyright claim. This is what licenses are for.

You’re having bought a license for a prior video doesn’t mean you won’t get claims for other videos. Those videos require their own license anyway, so how would that work?