GraphicRiver Review Queues Delayed

Hi everyone!

Marketplace Review Manager here with a quick update regarding the state of GraphicRiver’s review queues. As you’ve likely noticed, the queues have been rather slow going as of late and, during some periods, exceeding the stated 7 day review time.

Why is this happening?

Two reasons. More work, fewer people!

  1. There have been more authors submitting more and more awesome items and we have new authors joining every day! :-)
  2. The GraphicRiver Review team has recently lost some of our available capacity due to unforeseen circumstances. In other words, we're down a few reviewers!

What are we doing about it?

  1. Hiring! We have multiple positions open across the marketplaces and job ads for these will be going out soon. If you're interested, you can apply "here.":
  2. Improving efficiency with better processes, documentation and training. This is a slow going process that has been underway for a while now but will show its effects early next year.

How can you help?

Being patient will go a long way towards helping keep our workload clean and clear, so we can focus on getting more reviewing done while we hire and train more staff. We know it’s frustrating that you may have to wait awhile longer and we’re working hard at getting the queues back to a very snappy turnaround time.

Thanks for your patience everyone and happy holidays!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! We hope everything’s working 200% in no time!=)

Ah finally an answer. I’m happy to hear that you are now hiring for new review staff. I hope the new ones can be more strict in accepting new items, most importantly can rise the quality standard, pretty much like what we have seen on TF!

Hmmm, i understand now . . .

I knew it!

Thanks a lot for the feedback

Thank you for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Thank you jremick for this informations;

I have a suggestion about author quality and number and this is so important to reduce the review queues : the authors test must be a real quality test and user must send a least 3 different items to be accepted as an author, like that we can assure quality in the market with less review queues.

I hope this problem will solved soon because one of my items got 9 days to be approved :wink: but no problem we just need to be patient.

Good luck to all authors, reviewers and staffs :wink:

BaGeRa said

Thank you jremick for this informations;

I have a suggestion about author quality and number and this is so important to reduce the review queues : the authors test must be a real quality test and user must send a least 3 different items to be accepted as an author, like that we can assure quality in the market with less review queues.

I hope this problem will solved soon because one of my items got 9 days to be approved :wink: but no problem we just need to be patient.

Good luck to all authors, reviewers and staffs :wink:

I like your idea. This que problem will expand daily if all will be like now. Thanks jremick for keeping us up to date!

Thanks for the update sir :slight_smile:

BaGeRa said

Thank you jremick for this informations;

I have a suggestion about author quality and number and this is so important to reduce the review queues : the authors test must be a real quality test and user must send a least 3 different items to be accepted as an author, like that we can assure quality in the market with less review queues.

I hope this problem will solved soon because one of my items got 9 days to be approved :wink: but no problem we just need to be patient.

Good luck to all authors, reviewers and staffs :wink:


Always appreciated when we get a personal response from Staff.

joiaco said

Always appreciated when we get a personal response from Staff.

I agree, It really helps. We all know there can be bumps in the road. Looking forward to 2013 and what it brings.

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks with submissions up to our ears. I ain’t complaining though, it’s been a lot of fun watching all the awesome stuff that keeps coming in at an amazing rate!

We have managed to get some of the queue’s down to a more manageable level and the rest are bound to follow shortly so just stay patient and we should have all the queue’s back to a more normal level after christmas sometime.

I will personally be online during christmas (yes, even christmas eve, when I’m not having my annual Star Wars marathon that is) to assure that we do not fall behind in some of the queue’s again in case there’s another rush of items coming in :slight_smile:

As Jarel stated, we’re currently looking for some awesome people to join our Team. If you’re interested and is generally an awesome person, apply now!

Keep creating and keep submitting!

Happy holidays everyone! :slight_smile:

Formstack is giving errors, tried many times. Can I send to mail or upload somewhere ?

We were waiting for this, We’ll wait… Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

an item of mine has been held in queue for 12 days now. how much longer??

and another item of mine recently got approved (after 10 days), but its’ screenshots aren’t showing up. tried updating it four times, but no luck! now i’m waiting to hear on that too from support, is that going to take another week or so as well?

Happy Holidays to all reviewers :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas to all authors :slight_smile:

Peace & Love for all of us :slight_smile:

Thanks Jarel for info, Merry Christmas btw!

Finally :wink: