Further tests on Market Search / Category / Home pages

Thank you for response @matthewcoxy. How long it will last?


Why is it necessary to test buyer responses for a search mode that is not meant to be used anyway?
Doesn’t make any sense.


Thanks Matt, I guess some of our concerns are quelled now :slight_smile:

At the risk of sounding like a parrot, I think everybody can win if category/search results pages display BOTH high sellers and new items as default. Hell, why not run through ALL the search algorithms in one juicy presentation on the first page, like so:

Top sellers: 1,2,3
Best Match: 4,5,6
New Items: 7,8,9
Trending Items: 10,11,12

…and loop.

If load speed is an issue it should at least be possible to server cache category pages and common search phrases once a day. I can’t think of any other drawbacks, but maybe you can :wink:


Indeed, we should to try such a test.:slight_smile:

Thats the good opinion!

Hello! I am a new author and my sales are not great . But that’s not it. Lack of sales can be due to many factors. After all, it is the market, the competition and that’s fine. But now new elements remain without views , although they used to be. And such situation on all the new authors that I know. It’s demoralizing.
How to succeed if your work no one sees?

It is pageview of my corporate theme and i have never seen a situation like this ! Whats wrong in themeforest ? There is no sale & no views ? Is this because of envato element ?

Just wait until audiojungle items added to Envato Elements and a “customer” gets hundreds of audio tracks for just $29 :wink:

The answer is “YES”

I just hope the Envato folks get their data and this little experiment can end soon.


I hope too, because it’s awful, no sales and search is an absolutely mess :disappointed:


I think this test until the end of this week.

For three years on Envato, I have never had such a small amount of sales. If this search algorithm remains, which works now, then writing new tracks will lose its meaning. My new tracks do not buy, because the buyer can not find them.:cold_sweat:


When will the end of these experiments? Look at the new projects on VideoHive, 90% with zero sales


Respectfully, can Envato stop these test as soon as possible please? I’m a bit confused…

I explain myself (because i’m working in logos category and i am concerned about my work of course) :slight_smile:

When you click on the logos in the menu for example, the first page sorted by «Trending Items» is everything except «Trending Items»…there’s 11 logos without a single sale in this page? Eeeeehhh ??

So these tests doesn’t display the right things and you continue them anyway ?

Nothing coherent, no ?

Thank you for your understanding


Almost no sales this week. I didn’t expect that.

Envato will never be the same as before.
Two years I feel like experimental mice, but not as a autor. Increasing portfolio, fewer sales.
Time to find another market.

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I think Envato’s answer can be something like this one: Hey, we conducted testing and there is no cause for concern. The drop in sales may be due to various factors. But during the testing, our statistics says that the total number of sales has increased. Cheers, thus, this is beneficial to all authors! :slight_smile:

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I had 4 great days before this message: Your last sale was $5 about 18 hours ago. :slight_smile: