Front-end-only at Themeforest?


For a view years I sold costumized themes for corporates and people.
Now I found Themeforest, wich I think is awesome.

I think I’m a good designer, but I lack expience in de back-end to make themes work 100% fine.

Is it ‘weird’ to sell themes without the backend? So just the design and frond-end (html, css, javascript)? Or is this a bad question…? :wink:

Kind regards,
Thijs. (pronunciation; ‘Tice’)

The “big money” is in the backend stuff (WordPress / Joomla etc) but you can sell front end only stuff including email templates, html templates and tumblr / blogger themes.

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Hey @ThijsSquare,

Design is a creative /talent, not every one can design good/best stuff.

Their is site templates category just for front-end templates and have a look at popular themes. You can create a HTML site template with your design and front-end skills, for this you don’t need any back-end knowledge at all.

I hope to see see some site templates from you soon.

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Hi bro,

Thank you for you fast reply!


This topic can be deleted, because I think it’s not in the right section atm.