Frontend and backend complete theme

Hi all. I am trying to make my own e-commerce site but I am only capable to edit html and css files and adapt a webtheme with my contents. I absolutely can’t work with wordpress nor with databases, MySQL and so on.

So, i wish to buy a html based e-commerce web template (no WordPress, no e-commerce platforms) with a frontend and backend sections, yet working together. The backend section should at least send to me via email a note of the order submitted and paid by the customer via Stripe, so I can work the order by hand. I can update the frontend section by hand, uploding new items modifying the html.

Thanks a lot.

It’s called “phone order”

If you think about what you just wrote, then this needs a MySQL database at the least. Okay I understand your aversion to use wordpress, but with a frontend and backend working together, you need some sort of system to tie these two in together (perhaps).

Returns 1800 plus themes/templates to look at it that might match your needs.

Narrows that down to 169 items.

If that helps you :slight_smile: