How is it going?
Today I received a review of one of my items.
It is an action for Photoshop whose installation is detailed in the corresponding document and which is as simple to install as double-clicking on a file.
However, the buyer claims the money back because he says it is practically impossible to install despite having 30 years of experience.
I have downloaded my own action in case there were any compatibility problems with the latest version of Photoshop but no, it works simply and perfectly.
He leaves me a one-star review and asks for a refund.
What can we do with someone who just wants the items to be free? Envato reviews all the articles and I think it’s a good system that works. In fact, the buyer’s text it is a text that could well be used for any item and he says that everything he has downloaded in this website works badly. It seems that he has bought and complained in a bulk way against several sellers.
It’s really unfair. Is there any way to complain about buyers like this?