First-time Logo Submission Rejections, Feedback Appreciated

Hey there, we submitted our logos for the first time and all of them were rejected. If you could please spare some time to check the attachments and offer some feedback, it’d be much appreciated.

hi the problem with most of your logos is that that they are not really adapted to the marketplace in a way … they would be much more marketable if the concerned logos were meant for companies with the same name that u are using , but as u can guess , this is very unlikely to happen indeed …
otherwise , in most cases u do not have both horizontal and vertical versions when they are required …
some , like the first one and the second one are not really containing illustrations and i have personally , as far as i can remember , never seen anything like this being accepted here …

the typo of the last one is too flat and common and same goes for the “exchange” logo …

for me the combination is original but not working so well for the “decent” logo … especially as the font used for the tagline turns out to be hard to read if put in a small size like this …