Hard Rejected Logo - Feedback Needed

Hey, everyone.

I’m a newcomer trying to become a legit member of the community (meaning to have at least 1 logo in my profile). So far, no luck. Tried 3 times and all got hard rejected.

Any comments?

Thanks a lot in advance.



hi for me the first one is much more interesting than the second one, it looks way better in my view. However, i guess that the problem that they identified for the first one is that the typo maybe too thin and "not so visible " in very small size … for the second one, same reason, plus the typo is too simple, as well. In addition, i think that the illustration is not original or impressive enough for them to accept it in a very competitive category

Thanks a lot for the feedback. You are right about the font size - it should be a bit bigger, thanks for pointing that one out.

Isn’t the font supposed to be simple so it’s easier for the buyer to change it to his/her need? More complex font may look great with “Company Name”, but much different when actual company name is placed. What do you think?

hi well this is depending on philosophy … and this is not this place’s philosophy indeed, i personally believe , as i use to explain , that a lot of people are not only looking for simple things (sometimes too simple by the way unfortunately) and that in addition , fonts are something easy for buyers to change and for them to edit the logo they way they want, that’s (with colors) what they can interact on so that they “personify” your item and make the become theirs so for me that’s a bit of an overstatement in a way when it comes to the importance of fonts, on the other hand, as i used to mention this is also important to have as good a preview to go through review and for buyers to feel like buying