Event Espresso pluging breaks in "konsulting" theme.

I am using the Event Espresso plugin on my site. This was working perfectly with WP “twentyseventeen” theme. But now that I have switched to the ThemeForest’s “consulting” theme the event page does not load. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
I get the following error:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { new Vivus(‘mt_animated_svg_5a8e826814f25’, {type: ‘delayed’, duration: 300, start: ‘autostart’, dashGap: 20, forceRender: false}); }); #mt_animated_svg_5a8e826814f25 { height: 300px; // padding: 10px; width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; display: block; stroke-width: 5px; } .bloc-head { color: #000; padding: 1px; } svg * { fill: none; stroke: currentColor; }

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!


I would suggest to contact the author but it’s not either theme issue or plugin issue. The compatibility issue is between so none of them may provide any support but I can take a look at the site and offer a fixed price for the job if you’re interested in

I have a 6 month support contract with this theme. This explicitly includes the following:

  • Availability of the author of the item to provide item support
  • Technical questions about the item’s built-in features, functionality and third party plugins
  • Assistance with reported bugs and issues

I was expecting to get in touch with the author.

If the Event Espresso is not included in “consulting” theme probably you will not get the support.

https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy part “Help from authors of included third party assets”

But you can give a try.

How do I log a support call? I have been all over the site & have only found this forum.

Hi @hokanya,

You can reach out to theme author here:

Be aware however that if the “Event Espresso” plugin wasn’t bundled with “Consulting” theme, the author may not be able to provide you with support on compatibility problems. Questions regarding third party plugins are answered only when certain plugin was included in theme.

I’d try reinstalling the “Event Espresso” plugin or recreate a page that was using it.


Thank you, I will give it a go.