Envato Market Plugin Setting is empty

Envato Market Plugin # 2.0.3, Setting Page is empty, anyone can help?


Hi, I have installed Envato Market on my website, but it does not show the tools to generate a token to update my WP themes. As you can see, it only shows the blank screen.
I’ve seen other questions, and the plugin should show something like this,

but in my case it shows the following, which doesn’t give me the option to generate a token.

I need to update my theme, since after the last update of WP 5.5 it has some problems.
Can you help me with this error?
I have already tried to uninstall and install the plugin several times, I don’t know what else I can do
Thank you

Hi Everyone. Is there a problem with the Envato Market Plugin? None of my sites are downloading the latest updates for the themes I have purchased. They have been working fine for years and I have not changed anything. All I have done is updated Wordpress to 5.5 and PHP to 7.4. When I click on the Test API it says there is no problem. Yes, there are updates available, I am just not receiving them.

Any ideas anyone?

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I recently downloaded Envato market plugin 2.0.4 (latest version) to update my theme.
However, it shows nothing on plugin page. My wp is 5.5

Does anybody know how to fix this?


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HI I am having the same issue.
I have been through all the trouble shooting I can find, but now I can’t even add a new user to the site.

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Hi folks! Thanks for raising this. We’re aware that some users are experiencing a blank settings page when using the Envato Market plugin with WordPress 5.5. We have developers looking into the issue now and will provide an update here when we have one.

Thanks for your patience!


Hello again.
I have managed to solve the problem.
It seems that the problem came from the theme, and WordPress 5.5
I have updated my theme manually and when installing the Envato Market plugin again, this plugin started working:
Updating the WordPress theme manually:
1 Download the WP theme update
2- Rename the folder of the theme that I am using on my website (wp-content / themes / my theme) for example my theme -old
3 - I upload the folder with the updated theme to my server (wp-content / themes)
4 - in the WP panel (appearance - themes) you will see two identical themes, but we must make sure which one is the new one, which can be distinguished by the theme version, by clicking on THEME DETAILS

5 - reload the page and reinstall Envato Market.
This has worked for me, I hope it helps you.

See my solution, it worked for me

See my solution, it worked for me

Hey all,

Thanks for reporting this. If still having issues please contact me at extensions@envato.com so we can diagnose the issue and provide a fix asap.


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Hi @rosssimpson, @dtbaker

I do know why the Envato Market settings page is blank is some cases!

I had the same issue with one of my plugins and it really gave me headaches!

It appears because some themes incorrectly enqueue their admin scripts in ALL WP ADMIN PAGES by mistake, instead of loading them only on their options pages. And so, when their admin scripts have some errors, this will block other plugins javascript code to execute, like it happens with Envato Market plugin too.

I posted two solutions for this issue, for the Envato Market Plugin, here, in the comments (search for the word hevada): wp-envato-market/js/envato-market.js at master · ramonamorea/wp-envato-market · GitHub

I’ll also send you an email with login details of a test website of mine, where you can see the Envato Market Plugin blank settings issue, replicated with a ThemeForest theme.

Also, you can find a detailed explanation of why this issue occurs below:

Some themes do this:

function theme_admin_js($hook) {
	wp_enqueue_script('theme-admin-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/theme-admin/assets/theme-admin.js', array(), $theme_version, true);
	// they ignore the $hook parameter and they don't use it :-(
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts','theme_admin_js', 10, 1);

But that code above will load the file theme-admin.js in ALL WP ADMIN PAGES!

And if theme’s theme-admin.js file has some errors, that will block other plugins code, like it happens with the Envato Market plugin code, generating a blank settings page.

Themes should use the $hook parameter(!) and they should do this:

function theme_admin_js($hook) {
	global $theme_page;
	if ( $hook !== $theme_page ) {
	wp_enqueue_script('theme-admin-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/theme-admin/assets/theme-admin.js', array(), $theme_version, true);
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts','theme_admin_js', 10, 1);
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The Enable jQuery Migrate Helper WordPress plugin got me up and running again. Here’s the article that led me to it: https://news.thewindowsclub.com/wordpress-5-5-update-breaking-wp-plugins-102282/
Note: it also “fixed” the underlying theme issue I was having as well that led me to try to upgrade to the Envato Market plugin in the first place. So it resolved the primary issue and helped the Envato Market plugin start functioning for me as well.

Why was my post moved to this one when it is completely irrelevant to the leading post? I have a completely different issue and now I’m hidden away from getting help.

Hi @Gnomag, we have merged all Envato Market Plugin related issues in one place so that everyone (topics author, replier, envato support team) can share thought at the same place. and in this way this thread will be helpful to others who will face such issue.

If you want you can create a new post for your query.


Updates can take a few days to appear. However sometimes authors upload their files incorrectly to ThemeForest/CodeCanyon which means the updates do not come through. Please contact the item author and ask them to confirm the latest version of their file is available through the Envato Market plugin.

Thanks @hevada :+1: I’ll get this update out shortly.

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Hi all, version 2.0.5 of the Envato Market plugin should be available now. Please see how you go with the blank screen errors. cc @hevada

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Hi dtbaker

I have confirmed with author that the latest update from them is downloadable. The update has been there since July 2020. https://themeforest.net/item/industrial-manufacturing-wordpress-theme/15776179

I have updated the latest Envato Market Plugin but still no option to update theme. I have many clients that run this theme and do not want to do manual uploads on all of them. Everything seems to be working find on the frontend. Test API works. Single Authority is all correct. Any idea if anyone else is having this issue?

It works now, @dtbaker!
Thanks for the update!


I’ve tested 2.0.5 but still cant see plugins tab, only themes. Please note that I used to see plugins before and I’ve installed a number of them using the envato market plugin.
Is there an update planned to deliver a fix please?

Many thanks,

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