Envato Elements Team Should Stop Play With Earning Reports!

This message really made my day but in the opposite way;

" From April 4th, 2022 new earnings data will stop feeding into the Earnings Report. This will be the final day of calculating earnings for February 2022.

Your historical Earnings Reports will still be available for the next 6 months.

For earnings information after Feb 2022, please go to the Envato Author Dashboard here."

Ok, you should really stop!

Envato publish the Beta version: Most of conts didn’t like it.
Envato publish Author Dashboard: I’m not sure but as I see from the comments, most of conts didn’t like it either.

Now they are stopping Earning reports and we need to fight with reports for simple details like “daily earning”.

Let’s be honest! Most of us didn’t even understand what is light and dark boxes mean. I mean ok, we understand which is a bonus and which is earnings but most of the data doesn’t match with the Earning reports.

Stopping Earning Report will make most of the contributor’s daily life much harder. When you create a simple one and when it works, why do you want to make everything harder?

Yes, item performance, trends & insights help us, thank you, it’s good but why don’t you leave it as it is? Is that only I hated new earnings tables?

Stopping Earning Reports will be a big but big mistake! Please do not stop it!

Please let’s share your thoughts and maybe that will be a sound.



I love that page! :frowning: I use it everyday, countless times a day


Agree, and the new Author Dashboard doesn’t have Earnings by Items per month :confused:


Yes, Earnings by Items per month is very essential feature.

Please add this filter/feature to the new dashboard.



Yes! Earnings by Items per month is necessary for us.

  1. The problem is that Earnings Report display data which is not available in the Envato Author Dashboard.

To make this data available in the Envato Author Dashboard, we need to have improved Time Frame in the Item Performance>Top Earning Items by adding:

  • the custom period selection (this will increase the analytic value of the dashboard e.g. by possibility to compare item performance in each month, just like in the Earning Reports but way better)
  • deeper history than 365 days (I highly recommend full history since day 1)

I would suggest turning off Earning Reports after adding these improvements because in current form it has some valuable data not available on Dashboard.

  1. If we’re talking about improvements, I insist on adding new column in the Item Performance>Top Earnings. This should be: date of publishing on Elements (when “Envato Elements” Shopfront is selected) and date of publishing on the Market (when “Envato Market” Shopfront is selected). This would increase the analytic value of the Dashboard, by allowing to compare item performance in context of the item age.

Is there any chance someone from the staff involved in the Envato Author Dashboard improvements could see this?



I really like the simplicity of the current earnings dashboard :smiley:

With the new more detailed one, I miss the ability to see things just as clearly at a glance. To see even a current month’s income, I have to first filter by the shop (elements) then by month, and only then can I see the same data…

It would be great if you would just merge these two statistics together. At first, you could show the old simple UI but then if people want, they could click somewhere to see more advanced details.


Woooooow! The numbers of your earnings are huuuuuge! What’s your secret mate? :grin::grin:

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Hard work, good luck, and dedication to photoshop (chrome - inspect feature) :smiling_face: :joy:

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I supposed that :thinking: Anyway, I will google that photoshop thing you mentioned :rofl:

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I totally agree with you about the simplicity of the current elements contributor data, really simple, I love it that way, to check numbers in just a few seconds. New dashboard has very useful info and details but a little difficult to see all that quickly.

You should probably tag staff to grab their attention.
They already know about some problems that I mentioned here.

So the panel with the current balance will stay with us! :tada:
But I agree with you that we also definitely need full historical data.

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Hi all, I’ve responded in another thread to the same feedback so I’m going to paste it here too for quick reference @GoForMotion @secondfalseiteration @RedOctopus @Sko4 @vintagio @CocoTemplates @devotchkah @Sinlatown

Thank you all for the great feedback, we did a bunch of research prior to making the decision to close off the Earnings Report, and want to give some reassurances that we’re going to make sure that it is as undisruptive as possible, and adding value along the way when migrating features.

First I’ll share another response here that captures some of what I’m about to cover:

One of the features we’re currently developing and getting ready to put out before the cutover date for the reports; is a high-level summary on the Envato Author Dashboard, that allows you to see your month to date earnings clearly. This will be similar to what you have today in the Earnings Report and we understand that this is an important feature that needs to be replicated, as it is many authors’ morning routines to check this data.

Second thing we are looking to do is add a calendar month filter for the Top Earning Items table in the Envato Author Dashboard, to transform it closer to the Earnings By Items model.

We are also investigating the feasibility of all-time and more custom dates for these more granular reports, however, in the spirit of transparency, we have encountered some issues with performance due to the sheer volume of data that is needing to be calculated to make that a reality.

I just wanted to take a moment to reassure you that the teams delivering you the dashboard are working hard to make sure we provide you with the most valuable tool possible and your success is our #1 goal.

Thank you all for your patience and guidance through this process.



Thank you for detailed answer! That’s would be great!

Thank you for your great answer and details! :+1:

Hi all :wave:, following up to your comments; @GoForMotion @secondfalseiteration @RedOctopus @Sko4 @vintagio @CocoTemplates @devotchkah @Sinlatown I wanted to let you know that we’ve added a month-to-date earnings overview to help you get that snapshot of how you’re tracking towards your next payout.

Thanks for your trust and patience!


That’s great!! How about Earnings by Items per month? I hope this feature make it to the new author dashboard before you shut down the old dashboard.

Great! Thank you for the update! :+1::+1:

Thanks @Jimmy_J

I think there should be month selection as well to compare each month. Just like on the “old” earnings page.

And I still insist on adding custom date range in the item performance.

Thank you! It looks amazing))