enfold theme for sale


I am thinking te buy a second license for the enfold theme. Yesterday the enfold theme was for sale for the price 39 dollar. Today when I want to buy the theme it is again 59 dollar but its still for sale it says.
I am not a compagny I am just sombody who wants to make a blog that’s all.
Is there a way that when I buy a second license there is a discount?

Thanks you

I don’t think so. Probably was only a short promotion for a few days.
Now they have probably set the default price of the theme.

Best regards.


I mean discount sorry for my English…
the sale was only for one day?
that’s a pity :frowning:

But it still says sale by the theme but it is the fun price.

Probably some flash sale… :confused:
Can’t really say. But try to contact author and see what you can come up to :wink:

Best regards.

where do I find the author of enfold?


you can contact them through their profile!

Best regards