Elements in the banner

Oh envato why are you doing it to authors ? Please find another way to advertise it , don’t kill Market…

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On my side I see another view:) https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/4541279/9c683d8a2b07a8918f01d7ff95511a2f

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They are slowly killing the market.
This will really destroy us.
I do not like it

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They can do it for Videohive , Audiojngle and etc. But doing it for Themeforest or Codecanyon really wrong step , Envato does. Because customers will visit Elements for buying themes , but they will not be able to find high quality items and will go to other marketplaces.
Both of Themeforest and Elements won’t earn. I wish Envato will understand it.

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This is so frustrating… I wont even bother to comment on this… probably the plan for the future is to have just Elements and no marketplaces, sounds crazy but at this point anything is possible.


Videohive and Audijungle already have the same banners.


I know. I’m saying that this is not problem for Videohive and AUdiojugle.
But it’s problem for themeforest and Codecanyon. They should remove it from Themeforest and Codecanyon.

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Just letting you know:

Elements promotions will become even more aggressive and despite all the “we care about our authors” it’s going to be worse.

We are just a statistic.
Nothing more.

A year from now you’ll see another “official post” with the headline “2020 Envato Annual Public Impact Statement” in which they will repeat the same story: “Envato Makes Profit” (which epitomizes it all)

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+1 not being happy with Envato Elements. :frowning:


Hey all of author we can discuss here

And keep this thread closed.

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