Elements banner

Hi there! Any info when Elements banner will leave? I can’t advertise my items, it takes zero profit from ads now. Elements banner is even on the payment page!


Any idea?

They already removed the banner :raised_hands: :partying_face:

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Hmmm… I still see it on ThemeForest in the Incognito Mode. Is it kind of cache?

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Here it is for a long time…

It will never leave. Adjust your strategy accordingly.

@santoshw7885 it usually here for 2-3 weeks.

@santoshw7885 on ThemeForest.

I emailed Author Help about this last week and they told me they were going to remove the banner this week. :thinking:


@wailothemes that’s sounds great! :fire:

We’re still waiting for them to remove the banner from the products page, here’s an example with Avada… cc @ThemeFusion

I don’t have a problem with them placing the banner in the store, the only thing I ask is that they don’t place it on the product pages, because when we advertise the traffic we direct it to our product page.

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Right now I’m not advertising, but I’m working on an update and when that version is in production I’m going to invest a lot in advertising, that’s why I’m worried about this.

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A post was split to a new topic: How to make pages multilingual in Drupal?

same here

check this: Important changes to Elements Content Bonus - #247 by BenLeong

So I hope next week the earnings are back on right track.

The banner now removed from item and checkout pages. Great!

I have a banner everywhere. This mess.

Today the banner exists everywhere except the Item Details page. In all other tabs of the item it spreads normally without the exit button. This is tragic.

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The banner is back with vengeance - you can’t remove it! On the profile page, on author dashboard, in refunds(!), everywhere!