Do I can fix my html was hard rejected 1 year ago?

Hi to all:

my html was hard rejected 1 year ago my html demo:

Do I can fix some different styles, colors, etc also name title (no louise) I will change other name for approved? please help me thank you so much, regards.

already hard rejected Item again resubmit (without significant changes) not acceptable by envato. You may re-submit once you have done significant changes and can be considered as a completely new item that is entirely distinguishable from the first upload (your rejected item). So that it look and feel as like a totally new Item with new premuim features and functionality.

Can I Resubmit A Hard Rejected Item?

  • If your item has been Hard Rejected , you cannot re-submit the item.
  • Attempting to resubmit your rejected item(s) is considered an unacceptable use of Envato Market and may result in revoked upload rights .
  • You must create a brand new item and ensure it is entirely distinguishable from your rejected item.

Now a days envato quality standard has improved much. now need more aesthetic design with premium features to get approve. I think 1 year old html style will be some backdated design.

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Many thanks, I create new item.

You need to do a lot more than a few simple changes of colours, styles, and name. In general this is not enough for something that was already rejected, and even more so in this case.

  • Many buttons don’t do anything. I would expect a “load more” button to actually load more, otherwise how do I know if it actually works?
  • The Portfolio page doesn’t scroll properly and has an unfitting scrollbar on the side.
  • The header at the top of every page is strange with a completely unnecessary animation effect.
  • Many hover animations are either too slow or don’t make sense.
  • The home page is useless. It should be the main hub that instantly tells people what the site is about, and guides them to other content.
  • You could easily fit everything on each page into one single page divided into sections. With how little content there is on each page, it doesn’t really seem worth having separate pages for them.
  • In general the design is too basic looks very unfinished.
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Thanks :slight_smile:

I am learning not error again new item thank you so much again.