Discussion about usage of elements motion graphics videos on youtube

No, why would it be? What difference does it make if it’s half the video or the full video, or whether it’s one standalone video or several edited together?

Using content on Youtube is fine.

A couple of people have since mentioned Youtube videos where they’re linking to some dodgy site where they can download the video for free… obviously giving the item away for free is against the rules (and you should send a DMCA if you see anyone doing this with your items and report the site itself to Envato), but putting the video on Youtube alone isn’t. Posting the video on Youtube isnt redistribution.

As you know, anyone can download video files from YouTube in their own way.
Even, downloading YouTube videos is not illegal.
This means that youtube users can easily download elements videos for self-use from these channels.

How is this different from providing download links for videos on their channels?
I think it is consequently the same.

If customer of elements purchases a logo background and uploads the original file to YouTube as it is without adding his own logo.
How is this different from file sharing or redistribution?

So I just want to tell them not to use the footage as-is without original editing.
And I want Envato to remind customers of this terms who purchase elements’ videos for YouTube use.

They probably simply can’t download things when their subscription expires, but all of the projects they’ve previously created are covered indefinitely.

According to the licensing terms page, they state as much. If you cancel, you can no longer utilize Envato Elements products.

I don’t think this is a fair use for the unpload videos

It was clearly written in the license of elements. But it was pretty hard to find.
I think I made the right point. I still don’t know why I had to be denied.