Thank you! I’ve searched all over the internet with this question and you’ve finally answered it for me. Its so simple once you know.
A tiny bump to you, my dear topic thread!
And another bump… This really needs to come up from time to time!
^Good Idea
It pays developers more if they can create both a WORDPRESS THEME for the HTML themes that have demands. That way they get to make more money.
And also most buyers here are novices so a little disclaimer at the top or somewhere within your sales pitch telling them this theme wont work for wordpress would be a very great idea and saves you a lot of stress. I bet if they like the theme, most would write you asking for a wordpress version.
The sad side is that authors, like myself get 1 star ratings on perfectly functional HTML Templates because the buyer believed it was a WordPress theme to begin with!
So Why YOU just not offer both?
why selling templates, when “users” need Theme?!
I have a reversal sale because one of my themes are called “theme” instead of “template” i think its my fault but im not realize until now xD
And another bump! New readers, please check Page One!
A great post and another reason why any rating of 3 stars or below should require a COMPULSORY explanation by the buyer so that the author can appeal it to envato as the fact that a user cannot distinguish between the 2 (irrelevant of experience) is no justification for a poor rating
PaddyTaylor saidA great post and another reason why any rating of 3 stars or below should require a COMPULSORY explanation by the buyer so that the author can appeal it to envato as the fact that a user cannot distinguish between the 2 (irrelevant of experience) is no justification for a poor rating
Only Wordpress files are Themes WordPress files are called THEMES! These included the WordPress Content Management System!How to find out if it’s a WordPress Theme?
In the sidebar of each item, right where the author icon is, there is a list bellow it! Check to see if the red circle area can be found in the item you are interested!
Screenshot Sample of WordPress Theme Item Sidebar
HTML Sites are called TEMPLATES, and they DO NOT HAVE the WordPress Content Management System! They CANNOT be installed in a WordPress Site! They are edited using text editors!How to find out if it’s a Site Template?
In the sidebar of each item, right where the author icon is, there is a list bellow it!
There is no Software version anywhere in this file! So there is nothing related to WordPress there!
BUMP! Dear buyers, please check the above screenshots before sending messages complaining you purchased a WordPress theme that doesn’t even exist in the first place! Thank you
Enabled saidBUMP! Dear buyers, please check the above screenshots before sending messages complaining you purchased a WordPress theme that doesn’t even exist in the first place! Thank you
Funny - I mentioned this in a new thread 20 days ago and yeah, got shot down, basically I said that Envato should be more careful with the names used by authors and how they are advertised and got a message saying that basically ‘theme’ doesn’t mean anything and that it’s not their job and will not be looking in to this, that buyers need to be more careful.
“We won’t be reviewing items for this in the title so I would recommend that buyers look at the category they’re buying from and ensure they’ve read the item description to best understand what the product is before they buy.”
I then offered a link to the WordPress site to prove my point but it doesn’t seem to of made an ounce of difference - funny that this also appeared the other day :
I am reading a lot of sarcasm regarding “idiot buyers” who are not realizing that this is an HTML template and not a WordPress theme. I am sorry, but I’ve just made that very mistake, and to the developer/designer: My apologies for being an dumbass!! I’m going to see if this is any use to me right now, if not I’ll ask for a refund and look for an actual theme.
cheers and enjoy the sunshine
I just purchased the template thinking it would have the demo information. Now I know better. Is there a place I can purchase the demo content to upload to my wordpress theme?
Which file is it? Are you sure there is not an XML file included with the content? The vast majority all files do contain this somewhere either as an import option in the theme options or as a XML file to be uploaded via the dashboard.
Alternatively you could ask the author for a copy of the file. Please be aware also that in many cases the images will not be included as the author does not own the rights to distribute them.
is there a guide for how to install html templates? thanks…
imstrategy saidHi, if it is an HTML Template (not WordPress) , you're just uploading all of the files to your server via a FTP program like there a guide for how to install html templates? thanks…