Developer not supporting even though template is under 6 month support.

We purchased a Magento template from themeforest with 6 months developer support included. The template is causing problems right off the bat, we can’t even replicate the demo.

We submitted a ticket in the format prescribed by the developer but have not received a response on the ticket even after 5 business days. We left a comment on the template’s themeforest page, asking when the developer might respond to our query and haven’t seen a response there either. We even emailed the developer separately and requested they let us know whether they even will or won’t support us and we haven’t heard back from them.

What is the procedure for availing paid-for support from a developer on themeforest? We’ve been using themeforest themes for over 5 years now and have never faced this problem with any developer before.

Any help will be appreciated.

If you are eligable to get a refund then you can request for refund. Can I Get A Refund is an explantion of the refund policy, requirements, process and a button linking to the request form.

Or please open Help ticket and let them know.

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A refund is not a workable solution for us since the theme was selected in consultation with our end customer for whom we are developing the website.

Is there no way for Envato to reach out to the developer and enforce its own rules?

If the only solution is to get a refund, this would mean we need to re-evaluate Envato as a safe bet for purchasing templates.

Without knowing the item it’s hard to judge but Envato don’t own copyright to any items sold here so cannot ‘enforce’ rules or prevent the author removing the item entirely.

This is why the 6 month support is quite unique to Envato as (assuming that the item is listed as supported) then this offers protection to buyers in the fairly rare case that this happens.

Either way, Envato can reach out to the author on your behalf to st least ask them to help - you would still need to submit a request

As far as clients go, it’s obviously frustrating but if they know it’s based on a 3rd party template and therefore out of your control then they will usually be more understanding

5 days isn’t a long time to wait for support, considering it’s free as well. The developer may be busy or taking a holiday etc, so hopefully will reply when they get chance. If you need more reactive support then it might be worth getting some hourly help from a Magento expert from Envato Studio

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