December Market payment thread (Market payments processed on Dec 15)

@anchor_point_heshan The Elements thread is in the Elements Authors area, over here:

You’ve made almost half of the posts in this thread - I understand being keen to make sure the money is going to arrive, but bumping this thread every five minutes won’t speed up the international banking system :smiley: If you received your payment via the same method last month, you should see it arrive in a similar amount of time this month.

Currently, most payments seem to have been processed without any issues: Market payments were sent to the processor last Friday, and Elements payments on Monday.

The main payment types that have had delays recently are some Bank Transfer payments to Bangladesh (ongoing issues with the Central Bank requiring a new Form C for each bank transfer received), and Compliance or ID Verification delays for some of the accounts that were previously based in Russia. If you’re in either of these groups, an Author Support ticket is your most direct way of receiving updates on these.

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